Ultraviolet A rays are 30 to 50 times more prevalent and are present during all daylight hours throughout the year. Window film helps prevent sunburn and skin cancer, as well as the brief daily UV exposures that accelerate skin aging over time.
- Chronic exposure to UVA rays through windows may accelerate skin aging by 5 to 7 years.
- More than 90 percent of skin cancers and the visible signs of skin aging, are caused by the sun.
Public and Private owners of historic building — are dedicated to perpetuating and revitalizing Virginia’s cultural, architectural and historic heritage ensuring historic places remain an integral part of the lives of present and future generations.
Glass Windows and Doors Require Special Consideration — to maintain preservation standards. The Secretary of the Interior ‘Standards for Rehabilitation & Illustrated Guidelines on Sustainability for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings’ for windows provides specific recommendations to protect the ‘historic’ look when upgrading windows.
A Viable Solution for Mitigating Damage Caused by UV Rays — protecting irreplaceable furnishings and interiors. Many Restoration and Preservation Directors are using Window Film as a solution for blocking UV rays while maintaining the historic aesthetics of the building.
Unique Windows Designs are More Challenging — Architects and artisans designed windows with arches, angles, and many small panes that require special handling to maintain the design and the integrity of the window.
Learn more about UV Blocking Window Film solutions
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